Reloading a single job in Jenkins
September 8, 2018
Here is how you reload a single job in Jenkins without restarting or reloading the complete configuration, with the use of Groovy. You can easily modify the script to reload two or all Jenkins jobs without restarting. This can be helpful for all those, luckily, rare occasions where Jenkins decides to forget the configuration or at least parts of the configuration for a given job(s) Jenkins allows running the script in the UI or via the CLI.
Maintaining Jenkins servers
June 8, 2018
Do you know, if all you Jenkins jobs, follow your company standard with regards to log rotation scheme? do you have control over all the credentials in Jenkins? Which Java SDK’s is exposed in your installation? Follow this article to make sure your Jenkins ninja skills is fully up to date when it comes to maintaining Jenkins servers. /** This Script loops through all your Jenkins jobs, and reports all the jobs, where the configuration of the logRotator, is out of standard.
Updating Jenkins job's Git url
June 8, 2018
So today I had the task of figuring out how many jobs we have in our Jenkins server that was collecting code from our old, Git server bitbucket.com (since the customer is migrating to an internal server). So I created this little script that lists Jenkins jobs with a specific SCM URL, it also handles folders recursively. This was developed on a Jenkins 2.126, so if you are on another Jenkins version, some of this might not work, if you have any improvement’s feel free to make a merge request at jesstruck@github/jenkinsMaintinance (Yeah, I have not done the #movingtogitlab thing yet 😉 )