Jenkins as Code
May 24, 2018
OK, there are many articles on the web on how to set up Jenkins as Code images, there is also a lot of posts that describe how to seed job into Jenkins using DSL. But in my world, ALL of them are half done. My requirements for such a setup are much higher. My requirements are as followed: @Deprecation warning: Since I have written this, the great community of Jenkins has been starting the work on JEP-201, which is going to remove the use of init file, the work, however, is not at all done, so until it is, this article is still valid.
Jenkins as Code (OLD)
May 24, 2018
OK, there are many articles on the web on how to set up Jenkins as Code images, there is also a lot of post that describes how to seed job into Jenkins using DSL. But in my world ALL of them are half done. My requirements to such a setup are much higher. My requirements are as followed: @Deprecation warning: Since I have written this, the great community of Jenkins have been starting the work on JEP-201, which is going to remove the use of init file, the work however is not at all done, so until it is, this article is still valid.